Keys & Harmony
A vibrant journey, investigating into the true beauty and potential of the piano
Before the 2021 concert, my teacher came up to me and asked if I wanted to be the host of the 2021 concert. I was surprised having this opportunity and was eager to try my best as the first time being a concert host. I immediately started to prepare my opening and closing remarks and practiced with the other hosts. On the day of the concert, I went there early before the concert starts to again prepare for my lines, dress myself up, do my hair, and for the last time going over all the lines and preparing with the other hosts. As I stepped onto the stage, the flashlights surrounded me, and countless eyes were looking at me from the audience. After all the practice, I was confident and had an amazing performance both as a host and a pianist! Although I injured my arm in the summer of 2022, I had another amazing experience as a host in 2023, this time giving my lines in English!